channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Bad Taste In The Mouth, Warm Feeling In The Heart

There were things I wish I could eradicate from my memory. Like all Norah Jones songs from her first album, for example. As much as I hated them, listening to them all over again after some time, gave me a warm feeling that at least once upon a time I felt all the romance in the world.

Though I had thrown away the CD (no, I gave it to my friend actually!), my heart couldn't lie that once at 11:11 AM local time, high on a hill in a place I never knew existing on a world's map, someone and I kissed to one of Norah Jones'. Far have I traveled now in my life journey, I admit I can't really hate Norah Jones songs and no songs of hers ever got any better than those in Don't Know Why album. I could only sigh then smile whenever I hear the songs again.

People sometimes left bad taste in my mouth but marks they have left in my heart, on the other hand, are undeniably alsoworth treasuring. Not all memories with them are bad, no matter how fucked up they are. There are something good too that I still want to keep. Yes, my morose heart deserves to have those good memories!

Like though now I'm having problems with my recent affair, I could never forget the joy I felt when the first time my eyes met his. Those beautiful brown eyes just went straight to the bottom of my soul. Then that smile is still capable of making me breathless. No matter what, I can't deny the fact that once he brought spring to my winter heart. And I simply don't want to lose that memory!

I'm only glad that there are actually no memory erasing services as in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind movie. Fictions sometimes best remain as ... fictions!


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