channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Are You Borrowing My Time?

From Wong Kar-wai's "2046"

Bai Ling (Zhang Ziyi): I don't understand why you carry on so with women. If you meet one good woman, isn't she enough? Why delay time?

Chow Mo-wan (Tony Leung): A man like me has nothing but time. I need to find people to meet my needs.

Bai: You treat people like time-fillers?

Chow: Not really. Sometimes, I lend my time to others.

Bai: What about tonight? Are you borrowing my time or am I borrowing yours?

(It's like a violent slap in the face whenever a filmmaker/writer perfectly senses the pain of his audience and beautifully translate it into air-gasping pictures. Speaking of borrowing time, as we all live in borrowed time, why don't we all look at every encounter, every romantic experience, every sexual escapade, every pain of separation, or every loss of love as no more than “time-fillers” - to save us all from heartache after heartache after heartache?!)


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Indiaphile said...

Setuju, sodara kucing. Cerita-cerita peri, dongeng-dongeng cinta, atau pun kisah-kisah pengantar tidur lainnya yang saya dengar waktu kecil dulu itu, ternyata salah semua. Hati gak membuat kualitas hidup kita lebih baik.

Saya yakin, sebelum ajal tiba, kita pasti akan duduk bersama di pojok remang sebuah bar meneguk minuman kehidupan itu. Jatuhi saya garis!


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