channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Friday, February 18, 2005

Lullaby of Birdland

Even in shitty times, life can throw a little portion of joy at some deprived souls as myself. Pardon my selfpity which lately I've found as a leisure pursuit.

I went out last night with a gay friend whose presence I always treasure, for he never fails to give me natural highs. So there we were sitting at a corner table; me eating a bowl of boiling French soup (creamy chicken & mushroom soup top-wrapped with soft pastry bread) and my regular borrowed heaven of hot mocca latte, and him eating French soup too (lured by seeing me eating it greedily) and something tasting like lime squash.

I unconsciously picked a cafe ala Francais for our little rendevouz. (I don't know with this French thingy, somehow I could feel the cosmic power drawing me even stronger lately)

Anyways, when hearing this cheerful tune of Lullaby of Birdland being played, after only a few words sung by the legendary Ms. Fitzgerald, I instantly shrieked: "I love this song!!!", which he replied: "Me too!!!" Then as if the world belonged to just the two of us, we ended up singing along to the song. No, it was actually just him singing with his adorable baritone voice, while I was just humming it, cause I didn't know the lyrics.

However, here are the lyrics, in case you feel like singing like my friend and I did last night:

Lullaby of Birdland
(sung beautifully, lightheartedly and playfully by Ella Fitzgerald)

Lullaby of birdland, that's what
I always hear when you sigh
Never in my wordland
Could there be words to reveal
In a phrase how I feel

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love
That's the kind of magic
Music we gain from our lips
When we kiss

And there's a weepy ol' willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how i cry in my pillow
If you should tell me
Farewell and goodbye

Lullaby of Birdland whisper low
kiss me sweet and we'll go
Fliyin' high in Birdland
High in the sky up above
All because we're in love

I wish! Hell yes, her voice singing that song reminded me of what little happiness really felt! I can have a lot of good songs like that and forget about my morose days. That song indeed took my very soul to France - the promised land I yet voyage. And as if intending to perk my rainy night up, the song was repeated by whichever generous soul in charge for the background music for at least 7 times. My soul abundantly thanked him/her.

And above all, I love having moments with people who matter to me. That little investment will live on long after I'm gone from this world.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger marianne said...

the song made me cry.
not like a baby. not like a girl. but like a baby girl.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Indiaphile said...

Hahahaha! That's what a song can do - especially if it's sung by the First Lady of Song herself!


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