channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Academy of The Right-Things-To-Say Arts

I've been thinking of opening a school for men. The curriculum's main aim is to make them know to say the right things, in particular when it comes to talking with women. Here are a few examples of wrong lines men usually throw at women when talking. And let's have a look why these lines are said to be wrong that they should've left unspoken:

1. "One of the good things of marrying you is I can finally fuck you without condoms!"
Although it much is true, saying it shows how you only see a woman as merely a cunt attached to her body. Thus, it shows how shallow you are as a so-called human being bestowed with brains and conscience.

2. "You know the Chanel perfume I gave you is very very expensive."
At any time, it's just unacceptable to mention anything about the price of the gift you have given to someone - be it expensive, or not. Just hand it away and say: "I hope you like it" without any further hints of how precious it is.

3. "I'm not ready for a commitment because I don't think I can picture myself with only 1 woman for the rest of my life. But don't get me wrong, I still feel for you!"
If you're not ready, then just shut the fuck up. Keep it best for yourself. That's your own problem, anyway, not hers. Saying "I still feel for you" definetely doesn't soothe her or make her feel any better. "Part-time love just brings me down", says George Michael when he was still with Wham! singing Freedom ... and it's true for most women.

4. "It's sickening to see my business partner having to call up his faraway wife everyday and tell her "I love you, honey, so much"!"
Again, if you're sick of it, keep it for yourself. Besides what's sickening for you doesn't mean it's sickening for others.

5. "I think I have to find somebody to finish these remaining condoms with. Just for sex! You don't mind, do you?"
If you wanna have sex with others, just do it. You don't have to brag to your woman that you did or you will, for it's not only you who's capable of sleeping with others, she can too. And if she really does, do you not mind or is your ego not damaged?

6. "Don't you think it's fun to meet every 3 months for 2 weeks? We go places and have great sex in those beautiful places?"
It's indeed fun if only 2 months earlier you hadn't said you wanted to get serious with her.

So, anyone interested in being an investor or a partner in running my school? I project in less than one year we can already reach Break Even Point, as there are a lot of men out there who don't know how to say the right things, that they unconsciously ruin good things might ever happen to their lives. Such a shame, isn't it? Let's help them, then!


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Eko Widyasmoro said...

aw, come on!! not all of us are brutes with penis..
any man who survives puberty instinctively knows that they should stay away from the lines you just described...
however, if you're going to teach how to break women from their vows of silence everytime they think we did something wrong, i would gladly enroll...

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Indiaphile said...

I didn't make the lines up. All was taken from actual occurences faced by an actual (not-so-fortunate) person. Of course not all men are - quoting you - brutes with penis, but lots of them can be like or even worse than what I described in my writing. Believe me, those guys exist in real life!


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