channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Friday, February 11, 2005


Word : Norahjonessing
Function : noun
Etimology : Norah Jones, a mellow-voiced American jazz singer winning 8 Grammies
Definition : a longing to be in love, or at least in a romantic mood

It's been raining downpour outside since last night. I don't actually really know why the rain always triggers the yearning to have a little romance ... to norahjones. But it's indeed always good to have someone to enjoy the sound of the falling rain with.

The rain and norahjonessing absolutely mix well together. That explains why my heart just goes into spasm when it's raining and I automatically start norahjonessing. So this is what being lonely is all about? I wonder if he feels the same way across the ocean.

I don't think so. I bet he's already been fucking a lot. What can I expect? "Amsterdam is a sex city!", that's what my best friend once told me when I told her about him. Should've really listened to her at that time! It's a good advice taken for granted, for sure!

Damn you, Norah Jones! Damn you, rain! Damn you, J! I really miss norahjonessing with you!


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