channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What A Little Romance Can Do

At a book store yesterday, I bumped into someone from work who has been branded as vicious. She's everything what a typical sexually frustrated spinster most people tend to label: rude, bad-tempered, sharp-tongued, envious, bitter - you name all the known witches or bitches' traits, they're all in her. This super fat woman in her mid 40's (not sure, I just guessed it from her grey hair) behaves the way she does (I think) because all of her life she never feels attractive, because people might have always mocked her body size. (I wish I could've told her that real women have real curves!) To her, the world and the people dwelling in it are always too cruel, so she needs to build her own protection that it will avoid her from getting hurt. If that thing has been going on for long, then no wonder one can turn into a hardened, fucked-up, used-up, and cold soul.

She's kind of cute actually. (If only she realizes it!) She has fair skin other darker skinned girls could only dream of while using all those whitening products and a pair of clear brownish eyes I could only envy.

I smiled at her when I happened to stand next to her at Fiction shelves. She just looked at me coldly without smiling back. I sighed and walked away, but I smiled to myself when I saw her holding 2 Harlequins - cheesy romance novels in her hands.

Then yes, there's still some tenderness in her!


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Lorena said...

i also like to observe people and feel i can understand by looking at their body language what they might be feeling. i have a lot of compassion for lonely people.
great observation

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Indiaphile said...

Thank you, Lorena. You sound like you really have a big heart. People can be so cold, eh? And most of the times there are reasons behind it. Too many unhappy people in this world and sometimes they just reflect the unhappiness inside to anyone around them that like a terrible outbreak, it becomes contagious.


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