channelling my ever-grotesque rage

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Me, A Bitch

So it's true. There really is someone for everyone. No matter how nauseating you are for others co-existing with you, there must be someone who really adores you. I thought I had always doubted it. But not until I saw this Friendster testimonial given to a so-called friend I could never get along with:

"X is everything I have ever wanted in a woman and now I am lucky to say that she is my wonderful, beautiful, smart, and sexy wife. I am yours forever, X, and I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!! I can't wait to grow old with you."

... (speechless)
... (feeling own heart slightly melting)
... (speechless even more)

... (regaining consciousness)

I knew her for 11 years now and used to hang out often before I stepped up for myself that it was perfectly okay to not be able to stand hanging out with a certain person if within 10 minutes, I would only start kicking whosever feet under a table as a mayday signal to get me out of that person's sight.

It was okay to not be able being around someone who never let others finish their sentences only to continue it with her other "greater" stories, though those were not whatsoever related to the current topic of conversation. It was okay to not be able to talk with someone whose opinions were all based on that someone's mother, for she always started her sentence with: "My mother said..." or "According to my mother ..." or "In my mother's opinion...". I could only try to understand that her mind might have been clouding by the excessive hairspray usage for the hair, that she couldn't think of anything coming from her own mind.

It was okay to not be able to share growing-up-pain talks with someone still received allowance till 26 years of breathing days on Earth. It was also okay to not be able to be around someone who painted eyebrows every 5 minutes and powdered nose every 10 minutes, regardless any place that person happened to be. It was okay to not be able to talk more than 5 minutes with someone whose knowledge only revolved around celebrity gossips and teenage movies. It was okay to not be able to look at someone's too much makeup over too tight and too sexy outfit cladding overweight body for only going to an afternoon karaoke with old girl friends.

It was okay to not be able to listen to someone's being boastful for superficial things. Like when that someone once told me she had a golden retriever, which when I drove her home and accidentally saw the dog, it was just a mere mixed breed. As a dog lover, I was kind of insulted, for mixed breed dogs are nothing to be ashamed of. They are indeed not as expensive and handsome as golden retriever, but they still greet you with their sincere hearts whenever you come home.

My evil mind wonders if the guy who wrote that testimonial for her will ever get to see her true colors. And by the way, she and her now husband met through an online dating service. Due to geographical matters, they only got to meet up several times before they finally got married.

Love - if it really still exists - is truly blind.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Lorena said...

wow, yes it is okay to be a bitch towards someone like that :) i'm with you on that. so she met her man online, seems people do that a lot. i guess love is blind.

although through personal experience it is in fact that. and it's lovely. but apparently the other person was so blind to see it, left me all alone in it. love sucks!! oh well.

great post.

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Indiaphile said...

Ah Lo, I was so ready to be grilled well-done in hell when quivering in disgust after reading the testimonial. I know I'm not a fine human being myself, but ... (*sigh*) yea, you do know what I mean.:)

She's what my friends and I call 'mail-order bride'. She married to an American and I've been wondering how they communicate outside bed, for her English extends only as far as: 'yes, baby', 'no, baby', 'I miss you, baby'. There.


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